The Forgotten Planet Game Music

The Forgotten Planet - Menu Music - By Josef Falkensköld ( )

Monday 27 June 2011

New Probe Feature: Projectile

Hello again!

I'm now focusing more on the forgotten planet and getting lots of things done.

The probe mode: "Protection", has been updated and the probe now rotates around the player in this mode, following the player.

I also coded the first Feature for the protection mode which is :Projectile.

The probe fires when the player fires.

Next up will be to program the next probe feature.

And the reason you really came here.... The youtube video:

Until next post!


Saturday 25 June 2011

Pixel Artist Hired!


I have hired a pixel artist that will do tiles and enemies for the game!

You can check out some of his art here: Artist Portfolio

We are aiming to create graphics with similar quality to Metroid Fusion / Zero Mission.

Until next post!


Saturday 18 June 2011

The Forgotten Planet - New Network Code!

New Network Code!

Hello everyone!

Sorry for not posting in a looong time. I've been busy with life: Family, Job, Friends and tons of fun stuff IRL.

The old network code was buggy and did not work properly so I decided to rewrite the whole thing. After cleaning up most of the code and changing how I did things It started to work In Linux! But! As usual... windows didn't like my network code... so I had to rewrite some stuff again! Took me a while and the result is slower loading between rooms for players, but at least now it works!
Players won't be to sad waiting about 3-4 sec while the room and unit data is sent from the other player when entering his room.

I also managed to speed up the enemy data between players, so enemy movement is much more smooth now.

And the reason you really came by:

The Youtube Video

Until Next Post!
