The Forgotten Planet Game Music

The Forgotten Planet - Menu Music - By Josef Falkensköld ( )

Thursday 15 December 2011

New Water Movement!

Hello Again!

I've just finished the new water movement for the game. The previous one was adapted to the old frame based code, and is now rewritten and working properly again.

I've played around a little with the network code as well, and changed a few things around and fixed so that the player and enemies can have up to 100 (0-99) different states instead of 10 (0-9). My Graphics Artist is creating great animations, and some of them had actions I had not thought of, which lead to adding more states for the enemies and the player.

And the real reason you stepped by, the YouTube video:

Until next blogpost!


Tuesday 13 December 2011

Favorite Tiles & Far View scrolling implemented!


There has not been much progress in a couple of weeks, but now I'm back on track and have made some progress on different parts of the game.

First of all I added the "Far View" option to the parallax background scrolling, which means: Enable Far View, and all the backgrounds scroll slower. A friend of mine noticed that the backgrounds were scrolling to fast, compared to what they displayed, so I added this Feature to the Level Editor, and the Game.

Secondly, I added favorite tiles to the Level Editor as well. By right clicking on a tile in the "tile page" screen, the tile is added to the favorite list, which is accessible by clicking on the "favorite tiles" button in the main view. This speeds up level creation a bit.

You see the favorite tile box on the right side in the image below.

Until next blogpost!
