The Forgotten Planet Game Music

The Forgotten Planet - Menu Music - By Josef Falkensköld ( )

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Sprite Rotater Program!

Hi Guys!

I was working on sprite rotations for the game, and thought: Let's see if there's something interesting on the internet.

I found an interesting program written by XenoWhirl called "RotSprite".
It produced the best rotated images I've seen so far. The only problem was: No Source Code!

He did describe a little of how the algorithm works:

To most of us, "the more detailed version" is a lot of "mumbo-jumbo" (Lots of extra calculations and math and.... stuff) so I decided to try a more simple aproach to it and see what results I could produce.

And Lo And Behold! I came up with something very similar with good results:

 YouTube Video:

As you all know! "Sharing is Caring!" Therefore I'm now releasing the Source Code & the Binaries for Linux & Windows of this algorithm and the program!

Updates will come with time, but for now you can give it a go!

You can download The sprite rotater with binary + Source on the menu to the right.

Until next blogpost!


Tuesday 16 August 2011

New Sprite / Entity Importer!


Recently I've been working on the tool to create sprites within the Map Editor (will be renamed to world creator soon), and today I'm releasing a video showing you what it can do.

I have been clumsy naming the stuff "Unit", instead off "Entity", but done is done, and can be changed ;).

Earlier I had the sprites hard-coded for the game and had to write lots of lines of code just to add a new entity to the game (object, enemy etc). I decided to change this and wrote the Entity Importer. Now it only takes a few minutes to import a new entity to the game, set its properties, create its animations and place it in the game world.

And the reason you really stopped by: The YouTube Video:

Until next post!
